Community Award
Diventa sponsor
Tech Philosopher, Research Affiliate & Fellow (MIT), Adjunct Professor (UNIMORE)
Director of Innovit
COO Datrix Spa
studentessa di 42 Roma Luiss
Esploratore e Divulgatore ambientale
Partner and Co-founder Indaco Venture Partners Sgr
Head of Strategy and Sustainability Mercitalia Logistics
CEO LVenture Group
Head of Innovation, StartUp and Space Economy at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy
Presidente di Roma Startup, CEO di Scuter
Responsabile Open Innovation, Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A.
Managing Director, IKIGAI
CEO & FOUNDER - Foolfarm Spa
Direttore di InnovUp
Editor in Chief di StartupItalia
COO e Founder di Ricehouse
Policy Analyst OECD
Professore Ordinario di Marketing Università Luiss e Board Member di LA4G
Head of Corporate Development di NextChem e Managing Director di MyRemono
Manager Customer Experience & Product Design in SACE
Senior Partner - Responsabile Fondo Boost Innovation CDP Venture Capital
Chief Marketing & Sales PMI SACE
Head of Business Development di b-ilty
Responsabile Fondi Diretti CDP Venture Capital
Prorettore Università Luiss Guido Carli
Responsabile della Divisione Centro per l’innovazione Milano Hub della Banca d’Italia
Partner @P101
Innovation & Export Manager di NEXT4
Head of Open Innovation - Poste Italiane
CEO & Co-Founder presso Blue Eco Line
Partner e Board Member di LVenture Group
CEO & founder cosaporto
Direttore Divisione Modern Work and Security Microsoft
CMO e CoFounder di The Circle
CoFounder Dock 3
Professore ordinario del Dipartimento di Management all’Università Ca’ Foscari
Speaker Radio 105
CEO e Founder Genenta Science
Head of Innovation, Technology & Digital Industrial Agreements & Partnership di Ferrovie dello Stato
Director & Investor di Plug and Play Tech Center
Rettore Università Luiss Guido Carli
Head of Innovation, Digital & CVC di ADR
Amministratore Delegato e Direttore Generale di SACE
Head of Open innovation, hubs and startups – Innovability®, Enel
Responsabile Marketing e Comunicazione Gruppo Sada
Development Director - MIND
CoFounder e CEO Tundr Tech Corporation srl
CEO di StartupItalia
Founder & CEO di Rosso
Componente del Collegio del Garante per la protezione dei dati personali
Head of Education, Business Promotion & Supply Chain SACE
Chief Metaverse Officer & Co-Founder Hevolus Innovation
CEO Finapp
CEO TheBrandSitter,Founder Angels4Women,W7 (G7) Advisor
Public Sector Digital Strategy Development Manager di Intel
Head of Media & Events di StartupItalia
Angelini Industries Chair in "Strategic Innovation” Università Luiss
CEO di Planet Farms Italia
Direttore Scientifico Apple Developer Academy, Università di Napoli Federico II.
Chief Communications, Sustainability and Regional Affairs Officer at a2a
Head of Joule - la Scuola di Eni per l'Impresa | ROAD - Rome Advanced District PMO